I’tikaf Application 2025 now open

The Eden Masjid & Dawah centre  I’tikaf application process has begun. More details and to submit your application please visit our Application Form page here or obtain a paper copy from the Masjid office. Please return your application form to the office for the attention of Br Mawlana Enamul Haque (Secretary education department) no later then Tuesday 18th March 2025

We receive many applications for i’tikaf but due to limited spaces we only accept a certain numbers.

Terms & conditions
•   You must be 16 years old or above. Under 18’s may only stay if accompanied by the father/legal guardian
•   Spaces are allocated at the consideration of management
•   You must perform I’tikaf in your allocated area
•   Please bring your own sleeping arrangements (pillows, sleeping bag and blanket)
•   Ensure you keep your cubicle area tidy and clean
•   Do not cause any disturbance within the masjid
•   No guests are permitted to stay overnight
•   No food or drink should be consumed in the masjid other than in the designated area
•   Take care of your personal belongings. EMDC Management is not liable for missing and/or stolen property
•   You must follow all instructions given by EMDC Management